Let’s talk honestly about money, and savings. Do you have a rainy day fund? Are you an advocate of the 50/20/30 rule? Or do you follow a more fluid, spend your money like there’s no tomorrow approach to financials?
You may assume your peers are 'sensible,' putting away part of their pay cheque and building up a healthy nest egg, but we know – including from personal experience – that that is not always the case.
But we want to hear from you! Let us know how much you have in your savings account, and a few other details if you feel comfortable – we will collate, and share the results later this month.
*We know that ‘savings’ is broad and some might include the likes of investment portfolios, shares and family trusts – but we’re keeping this simple, by focusing solely on savings in bank accounts that you would be able to withdraw relatively quickly, if there was an emergency.