With her boundless optimism and sunny disposition, Aesha Scott is the head 'stew' of our dreams. Our homegrown Bravo star (and self-described "happy Kiwi") is as beloved for her attitude as she is for her filthy potty mouth. The beauty from Mount Maunganui launched herself into our hearts last year when she intervened to save one of her young stews from a sexual assault in an incident where her instinct and actions were roundly praised - the kind of friend who will never let you miss a ‘home safe’ text message.
Aesha is used to catering to the preferences of the wealthy elite while working on Below Deck Mediterranean, but we caught up with her on a recent visit back home to Aotearoa to ask her what her own preference sheet might look like.
When was the last time you cried?
Actually can’t remember, lucky me!
When was the last time you danced, and what were you dancing to?
I made [boyfriend] Scott dance with me to This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) because I wanted to convince him we should have it as our first dance song at our wedding! He’s yet to be convinced.
What was the last thing you bought and loved?
I bought a ceramic mug with boobies on the front and I love it so, so much. No one else is allowed to use it. I am also loving Ena Pelly tees and jumpers at the moment.
When was the last time you got really angry and what was it about?
I don’t even really have that emotion in me luckily, I’m a chiller.
What’s the last piece of clothing you bought?
I’ve just bought two Good Morning hoodies from my merch range that my brother runs, they are so cute!
What’s the last beauty product you finished?
What was the last really delicious thing you ate?
I made a delicious beef stew last night using Scott’s Dad’s home-kill beef, very lucky to have access to that.
Today I am off to try what is touted as ‘the best toastie (toasted sandwich) in all of New Zealand’ at the Okere Falls Store, so the deliciousness continues.
The last song you listened to on Spotify?
Rebirth of Slick by Digable Planets.
The last book you finished?
I just finished Seven Lies by Elizabeth Kay. Before that I read The Color Purple by Alice Walker and really enjoyed it.
The last TV show you watched?
Scott and I are watching Below Deck Sailing Yacht together at the moment, it’s such a treat to sit back and watch other people do the hard work instead of me.
The last DM/text you sent? Who was it to?
Chatting to Olive, the owner of Milkshake, which is the creative agency that does all of my content creation and grid layout for the DROP Instagram page [Aesha's alcoholic coconut Water brand].
What’s the last fight you had?
Who fights in their 30s!?
The last time you laughed so much your tummy hurt?
Playing Heads Up! with my brother, sister-in-law and mum - because mum is so bad at it it’s hard to process how someone can actually be that useless at the game.
When’s the last time you were home?
Right now. I spend about half my time based out of home in New Zealand and half my time travelling. I love the mix!
• Watch Below Deck Mediterranean season nine on Hayu and ThreeNow