We all have a destination. The neglected, shameful place we send our clothes that we love, but neglect. It's The Chair in your bedroom corner, the Giant Bag waiting patiently by your door, filled with shoes that need resoling, bags with broken zips, and the pile of jeans that need hemming.
But that’s about to change. Repairing and altering your clothes is something smart, chic, and responsible people - like your Nana - know how to do. Not only is it better for the environment and your wallet, it's an act of self-care, respecting the things you spend your hard-earned money on.
All the stylists I know have hoarder-level wardrobes organised with military precision. Nothing sits on The Chair for long with these people. When it comes to giving your garments some much-needed TLC, these are the people to ask.
Below, stylists share their go-to places for alterations and repairs, plus DIY methods they use to keep everything in mint condition.
Note: If you have a repair hero outside the 09 that deserves a shout out, please let us know! We'll keep adding recommendations to this list.
June's Clothing Alterations
485 Khyber Pass Road, Auckland. Ph (09) 522 0388
Whenever I need to get something altered, I go see Wing who owns and works in her tidy workroom at June's Clothing Alterations in Newmarket. She's very honest with you and extremely bossy but I think when you are paying to have something altered to suit and fit you properly, then you need someone who just tells it like it is. - Dan Ahwa, fashion stylist
Leemake Tailoring
1C Wagener Place, Auckland. Ph 022 505 1736 (Editor's note: This is no longer open)
Reparation Studio
For clothing, I go to Leemake Tailoring in St Lukes or June’s Clothing Alterations in Newmarket. I'm also a huge fan of what Reparation Studio is building – repairing and altering clothing is absolutely essential for sustainability, Jessica Jay is doing some magic stuff! - Helen Young Loveridge, fashion stylist
Serena’s Alterations
968 New North Road, Auckland. Ph (09) 815 7037
As a reasonably short person, lots of things I buy need to be shortened, or tailored in some way. I really believe nothing looks better than a tailored garment! My go-to is Serena’s in Mt Albert shops. Serena is snappy and honest, and does an incredible job. - Tori Ambler, fashion stylist
Lissy Turner
Ph 021 209 9925
If you're needing something a little more intricate or complex repaired, then I would suggest someone like Lissy Turner. She's a brilliant Auckland-based costume designer who has worked in both costume, wardrobe and fashion for a number of years with a specialty in tailoring and suiting. She is particularly good with wedding dresses and designer vintage fashion that needs a little more time and attention. - Dan Ahwa
277 Broadway, Auckland
Alterations can make all the difference between a good outfit and a great outfit. For a quick alteration, I go to LookSmart; stores available in most Westfield malls. I recommend Newmarket and St Lukes. - Sarah Stuart, fashion stylist

191 Symonds Street, Auckland. Ph (09) 379 0322. Gemmellsnz.com
When I need to repair or resole my shoes, I always go to Gemmell's. The family business is a tried-and-true destination for a lot of stylist friends too. They also repair luggage – I've sent many a broken suitcase zip or janky handles to these guys. No job is too big or small for them. - Dan Ahwa
For shoe and bag repair, I use Gemmell’s – it’s your one stop shop. - Sarah Stuart
Niki’s Tailoring and Alteration
204 Broadway, Auckland. Ph (09) 5234157. nikistailoring@hotmail.co.nz
I would also suggest going to Niki's in Newmarket for dress and suit alterations. - Sarah Stuart
Expert Shoe Repairs
537 Karangahape Road, Auckland. Ph (09) 357 6545
For shoes, look no further than my man David at Expert Shoe Repairs on K Road. He's one of my favourite friendly locals and has performed some miracle shoe surgeries for me. - Helen Young Loveridge
Alex The Cobbler
35 Saint Johns Road, Auckland. Ph (09) 521 3106. Alexthecobbler.co.nz
If you need a quick shoe repair, Alex The Cobbler in Meadowbank is my go-to. - Sarah Stuart
Meaden Master Jewellers
Level 4, 16 High Street, Auckland. Ph (09) 366 7162. meaden.co.nz
For jewellery repair, I recommend Meaden Master Jewellers. - Sarah Stuart
Suggestions from Ensemble readers:
Silhouette Alterations/Tailors
Their shop is tucked away down the back of the entrance of the CML Building on Queen Street, near the corner of Wyndham Street. Jenny is very honest in her opinion on whether something is worth repairing or can be repaired.
Mistry Shoes
Now located on Customs Street in the Dilworth Building (they used to be in Queens Arcade). They do all sorts of shoe repairs plus engraving and key cutting. The Mistry family also have a shop in Orewa, Coast Shoe Repairs.
Shop 3, 27 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead, Auckland. beadazzle.co.nz
For costume jewellery repairs – Anne does this in additional to running her bead store in Birkenhead. If you have a bead necklace that needs re-stringing, a new clasp, or you need new fittings for your earrings, Anne can probably help you.
Auckland Watch Company
290 Queen St, Auckland. aucklandwatch.co.nz (closed on the weekend)
Mark and his wife run this tiny shop tucked away in the arcade the runs from Queen Street to Wellesley Street (behind where the old Wendy's used to be). They do battery replacements, watch straps and repairs.

Hurry-Up shoe repairs
35 Dudley Street, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Ph (04) 569 2406. Huttshoerepairs.co.nz.
Ed at Hurry-Up shoe repairs in Te Awa Kairangi is my go to for shoes. I often get the entire sole of my boots done, ready for winter as it makes them so much more hardy for all the wet weather here. - Chloe Hill, fashion stylist
Topline Tailors
33 Dixon Street, Wellington. Ph (04) 384 6567
They used to do lots of alterations for a clothing store I worked in and they also do a lot of suits. I once got them to do button holes for me on a JPalm shirt when I was still making one-offs. - Julia Palm, fashion designer and (sometimes) stylist
Needle Works
22 Bay Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph (04) 387 9656
Thom at Needle Works in the Kilbirnie Plaza is affordable, friendly and fast. Great for taking up trousers or mending garments. She doesn’t have a website but you can check out reviews about her here. - Caroline Carpenter, personal stylist
Sue’s Repairs
18 Willis Street, Wellington. Ph (04) 499 9336. Suesrepairs.co.nz
For formal wear like suits, and more intricate work, I also recommend Sue’s on Willis St. - Caroline Carpenter
Mall Drycleaning
80 Tory Street, Wellington. Malldrycleaning.co.nz
I use this dry cleaner to help with stubborn stains or to keep things fresh – they are super good and efficient. - Julia Palm
Modern Shoe & Bag Repair
4 Majoribanks Street, Wellington. Ph (04) 384 2630
This cobbler is in a tiny tiny spot (literally the size of a cupboard) just behind the Embassy Theatre. He also does key cutting. - Julia Palm
Eastern Drycleaners & Tailors
196a Papanui Road, Christchurch. Ph (03) 379 4600. Easterndrycleaners.co.nz
For alterations, I’ve found Eastern dry cleaning in Merivale amazing! Hard to find good ones. - Lou Heller, personal stylist
Ayers Shoe Repairs
166 Hillside Road, South Dunedin. Ph 0210 392 925. Ayersshoerepairs.co.nz
For footwear, they do a brilliant job. Tidy and fast - which is most often what is required as I usually need everything done yesterday…just the way styling rolls most of the time! - Stacy Thomas, fashion stylist
Quality Tailors
162 Princes Street, Dunedin. Ph (03) 477 8028
I have sent lots of people here and they have done some pretty complex jobs. They also have tizzy mannequins in the window. - Julia Palm
Nemo Workroom + Bridal
3 Gray Street, Queenstown. Ph (03) 441 4302. Nemo.co.nz
Nemo are amazing for clothing alterations or repairs. - Annabel Dickson, fashion stylist
I have had a relationship with these seamstresses and the owner, Trudy Munroe’, for over 20 years. Their work is always beautiful, super skilled, and they always can squeeze me in for some emergency alteration situation. Absolute legends! - Stacy Thomas
If you want to remove oil stains from your favourite item of clothing, try cornstarch or talc powder overnight. It will draw out the oil and then you can proceed to wash them as per care instructions. - Sarah Stuart
If there's any silver jewellery that needs a polish, I recommend using a solution of baking soda and water to create a paste. Use a toothbrush to brush and let it sit for a few minutes before washing off with warm water and leaving to air dry on a towel. - Dan Ahwa
For knits, if you've accidentally shrunk your favourite, you can bring it back to life by soaking it in warm water, laundry soap and hair conditioner, then gently stretching it back to shape and drying flat on a clean towel. Men's Razors are your best friend for de-pilling, the more blades the better! Only use a fresh razor or blade to prevent any potential snags. - Helen Young Loveridge
YouTube is an amazing resource. I’ve taught myself a few new DIY skills! Also, get good quality sewing needles. Have a needle and thread so you can easily stitch buttons back on, repair little tears, and hem trousers. - Tori Ambler
If you have a bag or shoes that have started to look tired and faded but you don’t have polish, use your moisturiser. I learnt that tip at a leather goods market in Italy, where they used Nivea. - Sarah Stuart
See to any stains as soon as you possibly can! Don't get intimidated and leave your stained garments languishing in your laundry basket, most are salvageable (and TikTok is a great place to guide you). Failing that, grab a pack of Dylon and give your clothes a new hue. It's a fun way to refresh tired or stained items and there's something satisfyingly witchy about it. - Helen Young Loveridge
Perspex scratches are easily fixed if you take to your local panel beater. You might find a hard to remove scratch on a piece of jewellery or sometimes a sole of a shoe. - Dan Ahwa