“The first priority is that you use this book in whatever way is the most useful to you,” instructs the first few pages of I Am Autistic: An interactive and informative guide to autism (by someone diagnosed with it), a helpful guide written and illustrated by Chanelle Moriah and released earlier this year.
They were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at age 21, with the interactive book acting as a way to help others work through some of the same experiences, whether diagnosed or not, with chapters focused on everything from stimming to sarcasm, “being too literal” to “being upside down”.
Like most 20-somethings, Chanelle spends plenty of time on a screen and with a device, so we wanted to hear more about their digital habits - they share more about their dark sense of humour, TikTok and the pros and cons of social media.
What’s your earliest internet memory?
We had dial up and the only time we'd really use the internet was when we were sending emails to our pen pals.
What sites do you visit regularly/daily? And do you visit them directly or via other means (i.e. an app, links through Twitter, etc)?
I check TikTok, Instagram and Facebook every day. Wordle most days. I also sometimes read AITA posts on Reddit, usually when I've seen part of a story on TikTok and not had the patience to go watch part two when I can just look up the story and read it there. I also visit Linkedin fairly regularly and I'm on Google Docs almost every day.
The last story/link you shared - and where did you share it?
I have a very dark sense of humour (on the side of mental health, not as in offensive dark humour) and I have someone whom I share that humour with. So the last link I sent was a link to a TikTok video that was darkly funny and I sent it via Messenger.
How many group chats are you in? What’s the name of the most active or the funniest?
As far as I am aware, I am in three active group chats. When I get added to group chats I mute them and forget about them because I hate being in them. The only one I have that I don't ignore is the one for my cheerleading team and that's because it's only used when communicating relevant and important information.
Have you ever had a blog?
I believe I may have had one when I was around 12-years-old but only ever wrote a couple things.
Social media gets a lot of bad press. What do you love about it? What do you dislike?
I like social media in some ways because it's been the space where I've been able to find people who understand my experiences, things I've always felt alone in and struggled to explain to others. I like using it to provide information to people.
However, there are many things I dislike about social media. I dislike how awful people can be online. I dislike the ignorant comments and arguments I've found myself stuck in. I dislike how fake it is. For example, people go on about how you should check in with your friends (for mental health for example) but then those same people do not check in. But the thing I dislike the most is how lonely social media can make people feel. It's meant to be a space to bring people together but I think it often does the opposite.
What’s your approach to Instagram?
I don't really scroll Instagram. I'll look at Stories occasionally, I'll use the messages there and I'll post from time to time but it's not really a platform that I spend a lot of time on.
Are you on TikTok? What’s on your FYP?
I am, although I don't really post anything. My FYP is full of LGBTQ+ creators, mentally ill humour and autism and ADHD TikToks.
What was the last TikTok video you liked or shared?
Like I said - dark humour. The video is of someone singing 'every day it's a gettin closer. Gonna stick a fork in the mother *censored* toaster.'
But for a lighter sense of humour another recent video I liked was one that fit my ADHD brain. Another song: "I've got a lovely bunch of random thoughts. Dadadadada. There they are all standing in a row. 1 2 ooooooh squirrel. Deep thoughts. Weird thoughts. Thoughts that fill me with dread. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Give em a think. They drive me to drink. How do they fit inside my head?"
Do you use Twitter?
I have a Twitter account purely because there have been times where people have looked for me there from my book. I do not use it for anything else. I don't like Twitter. It's hard to navigate and filled with very strong opinions.
What’s your relationship with Facebook?
I am not in any way connected or related to Facebook. I do not have a relationship with it. Facebook is merely a platform I use to share information with people.
Are you on any other platforms, new or old?
I use Viber and Voxer as well but those are just messaging apps.
Who is the person that follows you that you’re most excited about?
I have a very small following but I guess Genevieve Mora.
Are you interested in the Metaverse?
Never heard of it… I asked my friend if it was something to do with Marvel 😂 So no, I am not interested in it.
What about NFTs?
No, these make no sense to me at all.
What is your phone?
A device that makes and receives texts and calls. A distraction. It's also glass, metal and plastic I suppose.
It's an OPPO Reno Z.
Please share a screenshot of your phone’s home screen:

Your most used emojis?
😭 🤣 🙄
Your YouTube go-to?
I don't use YouTube.
Your favourite or most-played Spotify playlist?
It's a playlist I made called 'Feel good'.
What’s the best streaming service?
I use Disney+ and Netflix. It just depends on what I want to watch. Disney+ doesn't have many options but lots of stuff on Netflix is cringy. To be fair, I'd rather just watch TikToks.
Newsletters are the future, apparently. How many do you subscribe to? And how many do you pay for?
Who's intentionally signing up for newsletters for fun?
Do you game? What do you play, and how often?
Not really. I'll play a game of Spider Solitaire when I'm feeling awkward or bored but I used to love playing VR Beat Saber on PS4 at my old flat.
How do you shop online? Do you have favourite sites and/or apps?
I only shop online if it's for something I cannot get in person, for example when Kmart is out of stock of something in-store but is still shipping it.
How many emails do you typically receive in a day?
I receive up to 20 personal emails each day (excluding the dozens of spam emails I get every day). Work is a bit of a mixed bag and varies quite a lot.
What’s your email sign off?
You know, I've thought about this a lot because every person I talk to tells me different rules and understandings of the different things you can end emails with. Like some are perceived as passive aggressive, some are kind, some are not even if they sound like it. It's really confusing. I just don't understand neurotypicals. So I usually don't know how to end my emails and, if I can get away with it, I don't sign off. If I really need to put something I'll either just put my name or say 'kind regards' and hope that's safe.
What was your screen time last week?
37 hours 39 minutes on my phone. I wouldn't have a clue how much time I've spent on my laptop but I only really use my laptop to do work at the moment.

∙ Chanelle Moriah is the author of I Am Autistic: An interactive and informative guide to autism (by someone diagnosed with it), $30. Published by Allen & Unwin NZ