Content created in partnership with Mazda
Pity the cars in 2024. They are being produced to be more comfortable, more intuitive and more efficient than ever, yet weekdays have become so monotonous. Sure, we can provide a heated (or cooling) seat alongside an epic playlist or intelligent podcast and (most importantly) safety on the daily commute, but with many still working from home, we don’t really get to stretch our range during the week.
The weekends however? Now that’s where we really come into our own…
Hi. I’m a Mazda CX-30 and while most people care about my owner’s skincare routine, I’m here to give the people what they really want - my weekend routine.
I don’t mean to #humblebrag but I do weekends better than most. The perfect combination of relaxation and drive; and I look really good while I do it. (I know, looks aren’t everything, but I promise you I’m as perfect on the outside as I am on the inside).
Weekends start a little later for me, as my owner has a lazy start to the day after a hectic work week. I’m always ready to go, but I also aim to please and as thus happy to respect her rest. Luckily once she’s up, she’s up.
First start in our weekend of rest and restoration is usually a yoga class. Her favourite mat is always in my boot and her phone always connects to CarPlay upon entry, meaning that the tunes are ready and the map is connected. Not that she doesn’t know the way to yoga by heart, but given the roadworks around the city currently, it’s nice to have ‘someone’ (or something) always on the lookout for a better route. We’re usually running a tad on the late side anyway, and there’s nothing worse than being shut out of class for tardiness.
The narrow back streets of Ponsonby, where our preferred yoga studio is located, are notoriously tricky for parking which certainly catches out some late comers, but thankfully I have a brilliantly appointed camera which makes parking a breeze. Plus, and we are certainly not trying to shame anyone for their size - we are a judgement free zone above all else - but despite our roomy interior and SUV status, we are a surprisingly compact vehicle, which make it effortless to manoeuvre in and out of tough situations (and yes, that’s a metaphor for life with me. And again, no shame to anyone else out there struggling to park their cars in narrow, one way streets).
Post yoga, zen unlocked, there’s nothing we love more than enjoying a slower pace. And a beverage. It’s back up Ponsonby Rd we go, towards another tight parking spot outside favourite Little Bird for a delicious green smoothie. My owner has forgotten her Keepcup (again. I wish I had control of her outside the car as well as in!) but luckily their cups are compostable, so I can forgive her.

A visit to the local farmers market is also usually on our weekend agenda. When we have time, we'll take a day trip to Oratia or Matakana to stock up on delicious produce and other goodies (another great opportunity to blare one of our favourite playlists). This weekend we have other plans, including cooking for friends. So instead we call into the wonderful Kelmarna Gardens in Grey Lynn to breathe in nature and buy the absolute best in organic seasonal produce. The grounds are maintained by volunteers so that the community may enjoy them which is an ethos everyone can get behind. Similarly, did you know that for every new Mazda car sold we will plant five native trees for Trees That Count?

But I digress. For today we have a delicious basket of goodness to enjoy with friends this evening, and time for one last stop for a bit of shopping downtown. Yes I am stylish enough on my own that outer trappings do not matter. However, who am I to contain someone with an itch needing to be scratched. And, after all, I am roomy enough for a serious amount of shopping, while being compact enough to fit into a small car space. I’m nothing if not a supportive bestie.

And with that our wonderful day together concludes. I spend the evening parked up, catching admiring views, wondering what tomorrow will bring. In the words of the great poet Ken, I’m hoping ‘beach’. Sun umbrella, picnic hamper, towels and cricket set in the boot, wind in my wing mirrors - I can already feel the sand underneath my tread.