As we gear up for a fresh new year, we looked back on our bank statements to remind ourselves of the best things we bought over the summer break.
Some were spurred on by ambitious New Year's resolutions, others were unexpected gift shop finds, but as always, there's nothing #gifted to see here - just personal recommendations we spent our own hard-earned cash on, and genuinely loved.
Molly Perkinsons ‘Vee’ Dress, $380
I’m probably going to eat my words, but one of my 2023 resolutions is to buy no new clothes - influenced by Mairātea Mohi’s well-documented mission last year, I’m going to try my best to only buy second-hand, do trades or make my own clothes (lol).
This dress was my last ‘new clothes’ purchase of 2022 and it was a very considered one. I had it saved on my Instagram for ages and my brother’s wedding next month was the perfect excuse to buy it. Designer Lulu Jackson makes everything to order in her Mount Maunganui studio, so I got this made in chocolate brown and denim blue silk - my current fave combo. - Lara Daly
Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black, Collected Stories by Cookie Mueller, $40
My other resolution is to read one book a month, and stop doom-scrolling in bed like a zombie. This has been an exceptionally juicy and addictive read - I adore Cookie Mueller (RIP), I stumbled across her writing when I was in high school and had just discovered John Waters films (she plays Lady Divine's daughter in Multiple Maniacs).
She is like a wild, rebellious older sister who’s lived 12 different lives - a true feminist who walked the walk and got dangerously close to the sun. This is a collection of her short stories from the 1970s - 90s, including her infamous Ask Dr. Mueller column - just take her advice with a grain of salt! - LD

Hundertwasser print, $48, from the Hundertwasser Art Centre
My mum was obsessed with Hundertwasser when we were growing up, and I vividly remember his koru flag flying and a print we had up on the wall (I always thought it was a rocket ship, but she recently corrected me that it was actually a boat). His art, architecture and philosophies were way ahead of their time, and with last year’s opening of an Art Centre dedicated to his work in Whangarei, it’s been fascinating watching something that I always looked at as a bit hippie cringe pop up regularly on my Instagram feed.
We did a little day trip to the museum over the holiday and it was worth the drive – a reminder of his playful use of colour, embrace of organic shapes and imperfections, and political messaging before it was mainstream. This ‘Among Trees You Are At Home’ print (from the museum gift shop, that I feel like Hundertwasser would have hated?!) was a favourite of his posters. Full circle, now I have a hippie cringe Hundertwasser print up on the wall. - Zoe Walker Ahwa
Groovy umbrella, $28, from Bunnings

I was influenced by my nana to buy this. She had it up on Christmas Day and I was immediately obsessed; even better, she said it was $30 from Bunnings. Retro florals are my kryptonite, and while I’ve long hoped to stumble across a vintage printed beach umbrella at a secondhand store (or steal my sister’s one), I haven’t yet - so this will do nicely. Can’t wait to use it properly when summer actually starts… - ZWA
Rina Sawayama ticket, $70
One positive side effect from every shop being closed over the break: I spent hardly any money, but I did nab a ticket to Rina Sawayama tonight. Sawayama excels at making big, energetic, genre-clashing pop songs and her newest album, Hold The Girl is bursting at the seams with them. I’m giddy at the thought of seeing her in a venue as intimate as The Powerstation. It’ll be worth going out on the first school night of the year. - Tyson Beckett
East Imperial Grapefruit Tonic, $22 for box of 10 cans
Rebecca put me on to these little cans of deliciousness. They’re perfect for a G&T, of which I had plenty over the summer break; particularly the few days of sunshine we managed to have. Zingy and both sour and sweet, the cans are the perfect size pour for one glass. - ZWA
Island Gin, $95
Everyone knows I love gin. I’m not a big drinker but will forever have a late afternoon G&T in the summer, preferably over a game of cards. I bought this from my local bottle shop, the brilliant Fine O Wine store, along with cans of grapefruit tonic (see Zoe’s purchase, above) and carted them around Vanuatu, from Port Vila to Tanna to Santo. All of which had delicious fresh limes to serve it with. - Rebecca Wadey

Caitlin Snell bow, $89, and The Alice Network, $25 - as influenced by Ensemble
Zoe purchased a similar bow first, and wrote about it back in September. I clicked on it right away but finally bought one over the break. I’m absolutely loving all the hair accessories around at the moment from the likes of Caitlin, Emma Jing and Gloria.
And when we asked ‘cool Kiwis’ for their favourite beach read back in December I clicked and bought Paula Penfold’s recommendation of The Alice Network. I devoured this over my summer holidays in Vanuatu. It was slightly more elevated than my usual holiday trash but not so cerebral as to not work in the stifling heat (even the ocean was so warm it didn’t cool me down). Based on real accounts of women spies in WWI and WWII the characters were utterly captivating and I was sad to say goodbye to them when I finished it. - RW

Magic Milk, $10, from Little Bird
Two of my favourite things come together in this delicious drink - nut milk and mushrooms. In this case it's fresh made almond milk with chaga, reishi and lions mane - and it tastes far better than my morning smoothie ever could. - RW