At the end of each month, we look back on our bank statements to remind ourselves of all the nice things we spent our own hard-earned cash on.
While it's always a mixed bag, our June purchases reflected our longing for a cosier, drier winter - fluffy jumpers and warm T-shirts, chic rain-proof boots, mini dehumidifiers and cards by candlelight. As always there's nothing #gifted to see here, just some genuine recommendations from us to you!
Breville The Re-Freesha Kit, $119 (but on sale for about $80 when I bought it)

It’s officially winter because this month I became obsessed with dampness and mould, and eradicating it from my rental. I started out researching for a new affordable dehumidifier (please slide into my DMs with recommendations), before pivoting to looking at Dampchaser cupboard heaters and ending up refreshing my supply of Damp-Rid and buying this little plastic device. A classic consumerist spiral!
It sells itself as a “rechargeable moisture absorbing solution” or mini dehumidifier that you can put in your wardrobe or drawer, and I suppose it’s like a giant version of those silica packets that come in things, drawing in the moisture. When the little balls turn green, it’s damp and time to put on the drying base. Does it work? I dunno! But seeing it turn so green so quickly is both gross and satisfying. - Zoe Walker Ahwa
Rose Murdoch Reversible London/Heretic T-shirt, $250 (including shipping)

This T-shirt by London-based Kiwi designer Rose Murdoch has been on my wishlist for about a year. Rose is a little genius who makes kitschy, nostalgic garments like screen-printed T-dresses and this amazing belt of toy cars. Back in 2017, I did the makeup for her student fashion show in a smokey basement bar in Wellington. Now Rose kills it in London, and her designs are stocked exclusively on SSense, where I bought this. It’s made with the softest jersey fabric and I love the slouchy fit. I broke my ‘no new clothes for a year’ rule (bound to happen), but I’m proud of my 6 month stint, and I feel good about my first purchase supporting a young designer from my hometown. Plus, it’s two in one! - Lara Daly
Cos jumper, $133 (on sale)

Hyper aware of the fact that I own an entire closet full of knitwear and only three pairs of bottoms, I set out this month to buy trousers or a skirt. Instead I bought another bloody knit jumper. It is at least a classic one that I’ll wear forever. Cosy, stripey and made of a super fuzzy mohair/merino mix this green delight makes me feel like the caterpillar that got the cream when I wear it. - Tyson Beckett
Candle holder, $25, and candle, $2.50, from Flotsam and Jetsam

I famously hate winter and the cold but a recent visit from my Danish BFF saw me begrudgingly embracing the notion of hygge some million years after the rest of the world. Candlelight isn’t the best thing for my favourite winter pastime, puzzling (if you haven’t yet bought our latest Ensemble jigsaw that supports the SPCA, please do that right now) but it is a super cosy accessory to my second favourite stormy pastime, playing cards. As my kids get older I’m constantly scrambling to find new ways to spend quality time together and at the moment it’s 500 by candlelight. Heaven. My friend Mette-Marie may make a winter person of me yet! - Rebecca Wadey
Merry People rain boot, $190

I saw these in the window of Karen Walker’s store and went in to buy them a week or so later, on a classic Auckland grey and rainy day. My thinking was that they will encourage me to catch the bus/walk to work, even in Auckland weather, to save money (spending money to later save money is basically recessioncore, right…?). Waterproof, sturdy and cosy with neoprene lining, I think they’re going to be my most practical and well-used purchase of winter. - ZWA
Aleph Concealer / Foundation, $62

At the start of the year I made a classic, but totally foreseeable, mistake: I fell in love with Glossier’s Stretch concealer, a product that can only be purchased overseas or by using a third party delivery service such as YouShop. When I got to the bottom of the pot I set out on finding a locally available, and ideally locally made, alternative and Aleph’s hybrid concealer/foundation has proven a worthy replacement. - TB
Santa Maria Novella mints from Passion for Paper, $22

If you haven’t visited Passion for Paper in Parnell village, I highly recommend you do - it’s like stepping back 20 years to a time when people still wrote letters to each other and party invitations were handed out at school in special envelopes. I was so swept up in the glamour I nearly spent $140 on papers that ‘scent and preserve’ wool, before I reminded myself that I am not a rich Parnell housewife who lunches at NSP, and this extremely cute tin of $22 pasticche Italian mints will scratch my coquette beauty itch for now. It was just the little treat I needed, and I’ll be reusing the tin to hold other things I use in small amounts. - LD
Paper lantern, $20, from Wah Lee

I was this close to buying a $120 Hay rice paper lamp shade to replace the drab one in my bedroom, but the 19 week lead time seemed like too much delayed gratification. Instead I went to Wah Lee and spent 20 whole dollars on this one, and put it up (with some ‘adjustments’ from my flatmate) the very same morning. They have heaps and heaps of options, I chose one with bamboo framing rather than wire for a slightly softer look. - TB