What can we say about our October purchases, other than they are random as: some practical things for the kitchen, a couple of health related treatments, cookies for Zoe’s sweet tooth and fake tan for Rebecca's chest.
Keep scrolling for our personal recommendations. As always, this is a strictly #gifted free zone – we bought everything here with our own hard-earned cash and genuinely think you might like them too.
Citta paper towel holder, $23

I don’t really know what to say about what is essentially a wooden stick, other than that it’s been on my to buy list for ages, and it’s transformed our messy kitchen bench. – Zoe Walker Ahwa
Luna Bronze Glow Gradual Tanning Moisturiser $38, from Mecca
I am being a naughty cheat here; as per Zoe’s strict rules for this column, we aren’t allowed to include anything we purchased at a discounted price (editor's note: on sale items are allowed), and I did buy this beautiful (and perfectly named) ‘Zoe’ dress from Wynn Hamlyn using a credit I’d received from something I bought at a discount last season. The dress is absolutely breathtaking but my funny man-made cleavage (IYKYK) looks rather odd in it, and alarmingly pasty! So I went next door to the Mecca store in Commercial Bay to get something I’d never considered using before: a sort of tanner for beginners. A whole new world has opened up for me! – Rebecca Wadey
Pure Heroine record, $45, from Flying Nun
In August I shared my CD purchases, which have both been extremely well played in my car. But after that, I was gifted a record player by Ecoya as part of their 20 year celebrations, so I wanted to buy a modern classic album on vinyl that I knew I’d listen to the whole way through (something like Golden Hour or Folklore). Pure Heroine was at the front of the display right by the door when I walked into the store, and I knew immediately it was the one. – ZWA
NutriBullet, $120 (reduced from $230)
Everyone knows what a NutriBullet is at this stage, so it doesn’t need much introduction. But I’ve been really going at ours lately, making smoothies and salad dressings and my mum’s shepherd’s pie recipe by blitzing some leftover lamb. Technically we were using my flatmates’, but it started smoking (?) so we tried to fix it and ended up ruining it even more. There’s a metaphor somewhere in there for life, but let’s keep this fun, shall we. Anyway, I bought a new one. It’s great. Does what you expect. Takes whole and unique things and grinds them down until they’re a homogenous liquid or amorphous mass of tiny little pieces. There’s a metaphor somewhere in there for – sorry, I’ll stop. – Georgie Wright
Hana sauna session, $55

I spent an incredible week with friends and no children in Austin, Texas at the end of September. It was hotter than hell and the margaritas were icy and delicious. A lot of fun was had, but the Rebecca who’s socially introverted, loves to be in bed by 8pm and usually stops at one drink took a real beating on arrival home. I came down with a nasty chest infection and had to hit the ground running on both the work and family front as my husband flew straight out again. I am a big fan of saunas in this situation so I booked two sessions at Hana and it really helped me knock it on the head. I tend to stay pretty healthy but when I get sick I get SICK (blame chemo 21 years ago, although only a little of course as it’s also the reason I am alive), so when I do start to get ill, I am very invested in overcoming it. – RW
Sala yoga class, $28
I used to have a regular yoga practice but it’s been hard to maintain in the past couple of years. I don’t love hot yoga and I am very fussy about the teachers I will practise with. Post-Covid I also found it hard to put aside a lot of issues that arose, like care of community and cultural appropriation. I adore Eridani, who teaches many of her cues in te reo Māori and in line with the maramataka. I’ve decided I need to prioritise Saturday mornings with her at Sala; I’ve managed two this month which is a good start. – RW
Episodes by Alex Scott, $40
This book has been a long time coming, so I was especially proud to buy a copy at my friend Alex Scott’s launch party. I can’t say that graphic novels have ever been my thing (to be fair, nor has reading any type of book at all lately), but it’s been cool to sit down and properly read and engage with it – and pick up on all the clever personal and very Auckland references. Support local indie publishing! – ZWA
Cubita moisturiser, $33
There’s a lot of fancy skin care out there. Entire department stores full of expensive creams with scientific ingredients you can’t pronounce. Shiny packages graphic designed by someone wearing one of those little beanies; unsubstantiated promises about how they will make your skin look like a genetically blessed teenager. But I like my skincare like I like my men: calming and unassuming. Which is why I smother my face in Cubita.
I first discovered it when my partner and I were having eczema flare ups (couples who rash together, etc) via an Instagram ad after the algorithm clocked my numerous ‘heal eczema reddit’ Googles. Enticed by the homegrown design, I discovered it was made by a dedicated mum and her pharmacist son trying to find a cure for their respective son/brother’s psoriasis. It’s fragrance free, a saviour for sensitive skin, and based in Manukau, Auckland – so as well as doing good things for your face, you’re supporting a local family-run business. It won’t make you look like a teenager (nothing will if you aren’t one), but it will make your skin and heart happy. – GW
Scratchies – a $5 one, and a $10 one
I’m not here to endorse gambling (I feel like I’m legally obliged to say that? But it’s also true), but I do endorse the odd little scratchie as a little treat. I like the crossword ones because they take ages, so you can really prolong the hope you’re going to win $100,000 dollars and be able to book a trip to a hot island tomorrow. It’s a bit like reading a horoscope that says you’re going to really excel in life over the next month: there’s a little disbelief, a little what if.
Every time I do one, I always imagine the people who’ve won having this exact same feeling. Then I imagine the feeling they have when they win, then I imagine how I’d feel in this situation, then I have to pump the mental brakes before I get too ahead of myself. Though I did win $40 off one yesterday. Which is a whole pot of Cubita (plus postage). – GW
The Clareville Bakery honey and cinnamon cookies, $11 (but I got mine from Farro)
I may have featured these in this column before, but they deserve another shout out; they’re that good. The perfect cup of tea biscuit, they’re crisp enough that they don’t disintegrate on dipping, but not so crisp that they'll chip your teeth if you don’t. This bakery, from Carterton (wherever that is; sorry, I never leave Auckland), also does a delightful gingersnap. – ZWA