I cycle in and out of bouts of supplements, seemingly following an all in or all out philosophy. When I was having treatment for cancer more than 20 years ago I took a huge number of supplements to maintain a semblance of immunity (and ward off serious infections in the absence of any) and later, to help my hormones as I struggled to come out of chemically induced menopause to have children.
Since then I’ve been lucky enough to be able to have a more playful approach to my health; testing and learning without being driven by an urgent and fatalistic fear. I love vitamin D and C in the winter, magnesium, functional mushrooms and vitamin B most days, and I'm always experimenting with products for my digestive system.
But if I could only choose one? Impossible. So I asked a group of people whose opinions I rate if they take supplements, and if they could only take one, what would it be.
Maia Svadlenak-Gardiner, podcaster and wellbeing advocate
Harker Herbal Iron Boost Syrup has been essential for supplementing my iron in 2023 and 2024.
Sarah Lindsay, owner Sala Studio
Protein: Hands down, protein was a game changer for me. It’s essential for muscle repair, growth, and bone health, especially for women. Post-workout protein is key for recovery, but starting your day with a tablespoon in your tea or coffee and having it before bed can work wonders for sustained energy and overnight muscle repair. I’m a fan of BePure protein for its taste and texture, but with so many options out there, you can easily find one that fits your budget and needs.
Chantal Cuthers, NZ registered nutritionist
Almost impossible to pick between creatine and magnesium, especially in my late 30s and for the expectations I have for my body into my 40s. I can't do it – it's first equal for them both. Closely followed by Vitamin D3 in the winter.
Lucy Vincent, founder Sans Ceuticals
I’m not a big fan of supplements. Mainly because I never notice any difference after taking them; I spend money only to have them accumulate in the back of my cupboard. Having said that, one thing I have taken which has created a noticeable difference is Repair by The Gut Co. Such a brilliant product.
Zoe Hobbs, Olympian
Whey protein. Not only does this help with my recovery as an athlete, but it's the most reliable supplement to have on hand, especially as someone who’s on the road much of the year; based out of different countries with differing food availability / options and the added challenge of weird travel times and layovers.
Niki Bezzant, journalist, menopause and women’s health advocate
I’m not a fan of any supplements in pill form. One thing I do supplement with is protein powder, when I need to boost my protein intake a bit. I use a really basic, unflavoured whey protein. Protein is important, especially as we get older; I need to pay a bit of attention to make sure I’m getting enough.
Monique Fiso, chef
I have one Livon LypoSpheric Vitamin C before breakfast. This is something I’ve done for the last five years. It helps support your immune system and I swear by it.
Vanessa Marshall, editor House of Wellness
I'm not sure if this technically counts as a supplement but ACV [apple cider vinegar] all the way. I add it to water, drizzle it over salads. Once, I even washed my hair with it! I always buy organic and make sure it has the 'mother' – which is easy to spot. It looks like a fermented mass of fibrous mystery, but I promise you, it's full of wonderful gut-boosting benefits.
Megan May, founder Little Bird Organics
A really good greens powder. I love having this first thing after a few glasses of good water. It's like a more alive version of a multivitamin, I never do that well on synthetic supplements so I focus on whole foods based supplements when I do take something. My go to over the years is from Pure Synergy. It's not cheap but it's really good and I notice a difference when taking it; I have it in winter when there is less fresh food around.
Karen Walker, designer
I don’t take supplements. I’m a believer in a balanced diet doing the job. The most I’ll do is a vitamin C sachet if there are colds around.
Dr Libby, nutritional biochemist, author and speaker
Bio Blends Liver Love. I created this because the liver plays such a significant role in how we feel, function and look, and due to modern lifestyles, pollutants and too much junk or alcohol, it’s an organ that is regularly overtaxed for too many.
Keva Stanley, designer at Papa Clothing
Probably vitamin D because it can give you energy. Us Island girls living in the diaspora need all the top up we can get since we aren't living in the sunlight year ‘round like our ancestors.
Julia Matthews, founder and director Two Islands
With three little ones under five, sleep feels like a luxury these days. My nightly must-have is Two Islands Nightcap. It’s a potent blend of herbs designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Even if I’m woken up several times a night by the kids, Nightcap ensures I wake up refreshed and ready for the day. It’s like magic in a bottle!
Damian Chaparro, founder Aro Ha Wellness Retreat
If I could choose just one supplement, it would be a comprehensive multivitamin. I focus on supplements that are whole-food-based, bioavailable, non-GMO, and free from additives.
Emma Lewisham, founder Emma Lewisham
Body Wellness Inner Beauty Support Vanilla from The Beauty Chef. I love having it in a shake when I am on the go; I love the texture and it's filling and delicious. Carla is someone I think very highly of, and this would be my favourite supplement currently.
Jessica Roimata Clarke, co-founder Mother Made and model
I’m obviously biased, but after years of experimenting with different supplements and health trends, functional mushrooms are my go-to for all health needs. Beyond that, I truly believe the most important pillars for good health are nutrition, hydration, and sleep. If you’re going to supplement, make it mushrooms. The unique thing about mushrooms is that they’re not just any supplement – hey’re adaptogens, too. Adaptogens help our bodies manage all kinds of stress, which is so crucial in today’s world.
Jane Cronin, medical herbalist and naturopath Clinicians
Clinicians Vegan Omega 3 Algae is something I will always take daily as omega 3 is so important for healthy ageing. It supports joints, the brain, eyes, healthy cholesterol and positive mood. I choose this over fish oil as it’s a sustainably sourced omega-3 from algae, which is better for our planet.
Petra Bagust, podcaster and media chaplain
It’s impossible to choose one because I like supplements and I like to change them up depending on the season. For example I was on vitamins A, B, C, D and E during perimenopause, while magnesium with taurine was my go to for sleep and temperature regulation. Now I ‘take' brazil nuts daily for selenium. I had the whole whānau on Nutrient Rescue for a year, a stupidly easy way of getting eight servings of vegetables and fruit into everyone from teenagers to 80-year-olds in a single shot! As of this week I am trying out functional mushroom supplements, so far so good.
Makanaka Tuwe, researcher, storyteller, cultural producer and founder of Sesa Mathlo Apothecary
Magnesium. In tablet form, as a spray, as a rub, honestly in any form! My night time routine includes using some form of magnesium.
Niki Loe, naturopath and The Beauty Chef ambassador
Every human being comes with their own unique body and health needs. But if I had to choose just one supplement for my body, I’d choose the Supergenes blend – Energy & Vitality (herbal probiotic capsules) from The Beauty Chef. This formula contains my two favourite herbs of all time, Rhodiola and Siberian ginseng. I call them my ‘happy herbs’. Both are a special kind of ‘adaptogen’ – they help support the body and mind in times of stress, overwhelm and exhaustion. They enhance physical performance, energy, happiness, brain focus, cognitive function and have immune-boosting super powers too.
Libby Boxall, naturopath, nutritionist and founder of Milou Beauty and Dose & CoN
I’ve been using the Dose & Co vanilla Collagen Creamer for five years now. It is my holy grail supplement! I add it to my morning coffee, matcha or smoothie and it helps with my hair, skin and nails.
Brodie Kane, broadcaster and podcaster
This is probably really boring but I actually think it would be a vanilla whey protein powder. It's a really effective way to get protein into the diet and helpful to keep me feeling good pre and post exercise. And also because, athlete.
Tanné Snowden, founder and CEO Tronque
It would have to be magnesium. I’ve been using magnesium supplements consistently for 10+ years and it’s changed my life. Whether it’s magnesium glycinate for promoting calmness and relieving stress, or magnesium chloride for relaxing tight muscles or magnesium L-Threonate for brain health, it’s an essential mineral that powers many crucial functions of the body.
Jase Te Patu, founder and CEO Hauora Aotearoa, international speaker, mental health advocate
Magnesium. It's the perfect tonic for calming the nervous system and preparing for sleep.
Dr Frances Pitsilis, medical practitioner and author Well Woman A Prescription for Lifelong Health
I would choose vitamin C. Humans, gorillas and fruit bats do not make their own vitamin C but all other animals do. I suspect it’s because we had a highly plant-based diet that gave us plenty of vitamin C and eventually we lost the enzyme to make it.
Today we are more stressed than ever, juggling many balls and doing much more than we used to. Vitamin C is incredibly good for stress, energy and many other actions so it helps us live and cope every day.
Ngahuia Williams, model, agency owner and yogic science student
I’m not sure I have a preferred supplement; living a balanced life rather than having to add extra things on top would be my preferred option. Although due to my female cycle being unbalanced at times during the moon cycle, I find Shatavari helpful.
Emma Wehipeihana doctor (surgical registrar)
None. I don’t have any medical problems that would necessitate taking a supplement.
Stacy T Sims, PhD, female health and performance physiologist
Creatine monohydrate. By the nature of being a woman, we only store 70-80% of the amount of creatine that males store, and females are known to store less in the brain in the areas that control mood, cognition, memory, and emotion. At full potential, the body can hold around 160 grams of creatine, but we see in research that most women are far below that potential at ~100g.
Also, due to hormonal changes throughout various stages of women’s life, we know that sex hormones (predominantly oestrogen and progesterone) influence the activities of the main regulator of creatine metabolism, known as creatine kinase. These hormones also impact the expression of key enzymes for natural creatine production and its transport to various tissues, affecting the kinetics and bioavailability of this nutrient. The biggest reason for using creatine is not for the improved muscle function (hello heavy lifting and HIIT sessions being easier!) but the improvement in brain function and mood.