The Netflix series is a display of ostentatious wealth, from the over-the-top designer fashion to the multi-million dollar listings.
The latest viral TikTok trend needs a local update.
Her vintage vibes are impeccable, and exactly how I want to dress for winter.
From the rosy hue to Gen-Z yellow, key colours have come to set trends and symbolise generations.
The resurgence of Y2K style among Gen Z has Zoe feeling nostalgic... and old.
Chances are if you're not a regular user of the social media platform, you knew these trends the first time around.
The feminine urge to overthink and over analyse everything, including social media trends... 💖
Our intrepid reviewer puts it to the test.
Zoe Walker Ahwa on the lockdown symbolism of finally embracing bike shorts.
Drake, Scarlett, Ellen, Meghan (apparently!)... Now that pretty much every celeb has their own line, a few more that we'd definitely buy.
Leading hairstylist Lauren Gunn shows how to achieve this effortless look, at home.