What image comes to mind when you think of pleasure? Is it something simple, is it specific? We were interested to see how our theme of the month would look through the lens of some of our favourite local photographers. So we asked a few to submit one photo that best sums up pleasure, however they interpret it.
Unsurprisingly, scenes of summer appeared the most - blissful shots of bronzed bodies, ripe fruit and beckoning waters. It seems fitting as we reach the end of February, technically the end of summer here in Aotearoa, to reflect on the most indulgent season of the year.
These beautifully captured images serve as a reminder that our beach days are numbered, so we better make them count.
Rob Tennent

This image was taken after a shoot while Felix was having a snack before a swim to cool down. Fruit and the beach are my favourite combination. The image represents joy, bliss, a sense of ease. @rob.tennent
Crystal Chen

My grandparents, photographed by my mum Cynthia at their home in Beijing, China. The love between them feels like pleasure to me, they met at university and are both in their 90s now yet still act like teenagers in love. @ccrystal.chen
Eiko Olykan

Pleasure is just as complicated as any other feeling. @eiko2300
Ash Muir

Everyone was having their breakfast in one of the most romantic places in the world. It's the pleasure that I felt in the atmosphere at the time, more so than the image itself. With weddings, I shoot “pleasure” literally everyday, so for me, pleasure is being able to use my camera and take photos on film of mundane things in life - that’s what gives me pleasure. @ashkmuir
Jake Dennis

The pleasure of falling in love. @jakedennis
Karen Inderbitzen-Waller and Delphine Avril Planqueel

This is an outtake from a collaboration with Curionoir and our friend Tiffany Witehira from a while back. The subject of ‘pleasure’ made us think about this series because with fragrance or an emotion like passion or pleasure, both are only visible to some as a relevant feeling in an image. Trying to depict the feeling of the fragrance or the passion within the considered creation of the image is interesting to us. @kinderbitzenwaller
Robyn Daly

This guy was so blissed out, like a lizard soaking up the sun. Life’s simple pleasure. @robyndaly_
Constance McDonald

Pleasure is plaiting my hair in the morning and going to a beach in Corsica, where I am staying (for free) in a chateau for a month. The beach is rocky. I have a complex relationship with sand. The village has a population of 74. The mornings are for still-hot pain au chocolat at the bakery, and using a nice pen in my notebook. I take a photo on a self-timer with my film camera. I know that when I finally see the picture I will be in a different circumstance, my room in the crumbling chateau will not have my perfume on its shelf. Pleasure, for me, is knowing it will end, but loving simmering in the middle of it. @princess.constance
Marissa Findlay

I have been sailing since I was a baby, the water brings me peace and pleasure. This was taken in Sardinia, on a trip to Italy with my son. We were on my friend Seba’s yacht sailing in Villasimius. It was such an amazing day, clear blue water, sunshine and happiness, my son Bruno, and my son’s friend Lorenzo. @marissafindlay
Holly Sarah Burgess

This photo was taken this summer at the Opononi Wharf. I have been documenting my Opo summers for the past few years and find that the wharf images are always my favourite. There is a real sense of timelessness there, bringing out our inner child and playfulness. With everything moving so fast these days, anything that makes me feel like time has stood still brings me the most pleasure. @hollysarahburgess
Scott Hardy

A bundle of bodies glistening in the sun, everyone enjoying themselves and the Italian summer. @scotthardy.co.nz