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From politics to gossip (sometimes, both), a selection of must-listen-to podcasts.
Yes, brat is on this list.
It's ok to spend December 25 by yourself.
Two new icons were added to the Arts Foundation's 'living circle' of 20 significant artists, at an event at Government House.
From Instagram to the ick, it's increasingly easy to let instant judgement calls get in the way of long term connection.
The things we do for (parasocial) love <3
Is it polite to turn up empty-handed? How to make introverts and extroverts feel comfortable? Can you leave without saying goodbye?
Vocaloids, community and fan fashion: Reviewing virtual pop star Hatsune Miku's New Zealand debut.
From Aotearoa to London and back again, Georgie Wright charts her life in going out.
Anora isn't a vulnerable girl waiting to be saved from sex work by a rich man. Plus: win tickets to our preview screening of the film.
"I've taken my youngest daughter on tour and we just rolled with it. Start as you mean to go on. That's my motto."